

Counselling Blog Posts

Voicing your truth – an essential relationship skill

Couples feel loved and understood more when they listen deeply and voice their truth.  These skills work hand in hand.  In this article I will explore what I mean by ‘voicing your truth’, why it is so...

Counselling for Depression

“ we should see what we call depression as a set of symptoms that derive from complex and always different human stories. ..These stories will involve the experiences of separation and loss, even if...

Having Your Experience

Having Your Experience can also be known as being present. Having your experience is of core importance for relationship repair and rekindling your relationship. Often known as mindfulness it allows...

Listening as an essential relationship skill

Listening is essential for a healthy relationship. It’s not as easy as we might think, and you may be shocked to realise how little true listening we do. Listening can mean being informed and...

Understanding Anxiety and exploring how to work with it

There is help if you are suffering with anxiety. Counselling can help you understand your anxiety and live the life you are meant to live...