What I offer

Find your true nature

beyond the Mindscape of the troubled mind

Couples counselling depicted by a valley between two mountains

Couples Counselling

Although it may not feel like it the cracks, ruptures and disappointments in relationship can be the beginning of helpful and positive change. 

Explore more about how I can support you in your relationship work.

Counselling as contemplation


Counselling offers a space for you to feel and think about your life in the company of another human being.  It seems so simple, but I have known it to be powerful because when you feel safe and accepted you can face into your experience and understand your needs and feelings without judgement. 

Supervision as a top down view from the mountain


I am passionate about supervision and view it as a relationship where all is open to question. Together we will create a space for trust and curiosity so that we can wonder about what the client brings and how the work unfolds holding in mind the client, you the therapist, the context and the spaces in between.

Please feel free to get in touch

I’m happy to have a phone conversation to discuss your needs further.