I offer supervision to counsellors, psychotherapists and other helping professionals in Brighton, Hove and Sussex.
I am passionate about supervision and view it as a relationship where all is open to question. Together we will create a space for trust and curiosity so that we can wonder about what the client brings and how the work unfolds holding in mind the client, you the therapist, the context and the spaces in between.
By looking at “what is” rather than matching interventions to right or wrong we can learn about what helps even when the turn of events may feel like mistakes. I intend the supervision relationship to be a safe and creative one that holds the client’s interests in mind and facilitates growth and learning for you as supervisee and for me as supervisor.
The most powerful vehicle for insight is our here-and-now experience and from this we can discover what is unconsciously held in relationship and in the ‘field’. We will notice how the work impacts you so you continue to enjoy and be nourished by it.
My Supervision Training
I trained as a supervisor in 2001 undertaking a course called Collaborative Supervision with Psychology Matters, London. I have provided group and individual supervision since then. I completed a further supervision training in 2021 with CSTD, facilitated by Joan Wilmot and Robin Shohet, to enhance my supervision practice.

Supervision Group
I am forming a new supervision group, co-creative, passionate and relational. Open to anyone who is interested in finding a ‘clearing in the woods’.
My hope is that this space offers you safety and warmth to share, reflect, discover, learn and grow so that your clients are truly resourced in the journey they take. Although our imagination may take us to many places the group will meet in my consulting room in Preston Park, Brighton, BN1 6NA.
I plan this group to begin in 2025.
“It may be that when we no longer know what to do
we have come to our real work,
and that when we no longer know which way to go
we have come to our real journey.
The mind that is not baffled is not employed.
The impeded stream is the one that sings.”
Please feel free to get in touch
Please feel free to give me a call if you are interested in supervision with me individually or in a group. I am happy to arrange a half hour free consultation where we could meet and explore how well I can meet your needs.