Mindscape Counselling
Links and resources
Safety is a pre-requisite for counselling
If you are feeling suicidal or overwhelmed there is help available. There is always someone on the end of a phone and services that you can call for a rapid response intervention. You are not alone. The following are 24/7 services:
- Samaritans 116 123
- Sussex Mental Health line 0800 0309 500
- Mental health Rapid Response Service 0300 304 0078/01273 242220
Stay Alive is a great app to upload. If you are at risk of suicide or suicidal thoughts it has different sections to help you stay safe.
Remember suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
Survivors of Suicide (SOS) offers short term emotional support, information and advocacy to people aged 18+ who live in Brighton and Hove, who have thoughts of suicide or have made a previous suicide attempts or those who have been bereaved by suicide. You can call them on 01273 709060 between Mon – Fri 9-5pm.
Domestic Abuse
There is help available.
Call the police on 999 if you are in immediate danger. If you can’t speak to the call handler, listen to the instructions and when prompted, press 55.
National Domestic Violence 24hr Helpline on 0808 2000 247
Women’s Aid is a nationwide charity that is working for the safety of women and children and for a society where domestic violence is not tolerated. You can use the livechat or email to connect with someone to help you. There is also a forum to get support from others who are survivors of domestic abuse. https://www.womensaid.org.uk
RISE is an independent, Brighton-based registered charity that helps people affected by domestic abuse. They offer practical help ranging from direct advice to refuge accommodation for those whose lives are at risk. You can call the Rise helpline on 01273 622822, or email helpline@riseuk.org.uk. Their website offers more information and links to further help.
Young People
There is help available.
Call the police on 999 if you are in immediate danger. If you can’t speak to the call handler, listen to the instructions and when prompted, press 55.
If you feel your child or young person is in serious risk of self harm, psychosis or suicide call CAMHS Duty Clinician on 0300 304 0061 (between the hours of 9am-5pm Monday to Friday). You can also call the crisis numbers given above for adults.
The NSPCC have a helpline 0808 800 5000.
If you are a young person you can find honest and helpful information about drug use at Frank
Call Crimestoppers if you, or anyone you know, are caught up in a criminal gang. Helpline: 0800 555 111.
Youngminds is an organisation fighting for young people’s mental health. Their website is full of information and advice to help young people and their parents.
Information, support and services to complement Mindscape Counselling
Gender, sexuality, relationship diversity
LGBT Switchboard in Brighton provides advice, support, community projects and more. Tel: 01273 204050, email: helpline@switchboard.org.uk or go to the livechat.
MindOut provides mental health services run by and for Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and intersex people over 18 and living in Brighton and Hove.
Trauma and abuse
National Association for People Abused in Childhood website has very help information and support –
Useful support and advice offered to male victims of sexual abuse
Alcoholics Anonymous is a global organisation that provides help for those wanting to find a way out of addiction. It offers a free helpline on 0800 917 7650, email help@aamail.org and a live chat on the website.
Al-anon provides help for family and friends of someone lost to substance misuse
Help with drug addiction can be found with www.nacoa.org.uk and www.ukna.org
We Are With You is an organisation to help those struggling with addiction
Adfam provides help for families where there is a substance misuse issue.
NSPCC offer help if you are struggling with substance misuse that is affecting the wellbeing of your children.
Support for parents
The National Childbirth Trust can be very helpful for advice, support and creating social contacts. They sometimes run “Early Days Postnatal Support Groups”. Postnatal support group leaders undergo a thorough training and are well supported by a national organisation passionate about parent’s early experiences. 0870 421 4426 for details
The miscarriage association maintains a UK-wide network of phone counsellors and support groups, and issues a range of publications. Helpline 01924 200799 (mon- Fri 9am – 4pm)
The Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (SANDS) provides support for bereaved parents and their families when their baby dies at or soon after birth. It has a national helpline and UK-wide network of self help grops run by and for bereaved parents. Also publishes books and leaflets. Helpline 0207 436 5881 (mon – fri 10am – 5pm)
The Association for Post-Natal Illness offers one-to-one advice (by phone, post or email), information and support for mothers who have or think they may have PND. Also publishes leaflets.
CRY-SIS offers information and support for new parents. Helpline 08451 228 669 (9am – 10pm every day)
www.tcf.org.uk. The Compassionate Friends (TCF) is an organisation of bereaved parents and their families offering understanding, support and encouragement to others after the death of a child or children. They also offer support, advice and information to other relatives, friends and professionals who are helping the family.
I cannot vouch for the content of the websites or helplines listed and would ask that you assess the information you find for credibility. I would also be grateful for any feedback if information listed here is out of date, inaccurate or not appropriate. I would love to know of other services that you have found useful so I can share it with visitors to this website.
Please feel free to get in touch
I’m happy to have a phone conversation to discuss your needs further.